BREEAM certificate for Sky Office Center

The Warsaw office block Sky Office Center has received the ecological certificate BREEAM In-Use International 2015 in the categories "Building Management" and "Asset Performance" on the level "Excellent".

Some of the key solutions, adapted in the building, are a green roof, high-class finishing materials with low content of VOCs and sanitary tapware with solutions that optimize the outflows. Additionally the decision to give the certificate was influenced by the actions of the building administrator, in accordance with the policy of maintaining and improving the ecological value of the area.

Sky Office Center is a class A office building, located in Mokotów, on the corner of Rzymowskiego and Modzelewskiego Str. The edifice, consisting of six overground storeys, offers 4 800 sq m of office space as well as situated on the ground floor retail premises. The building was commissioned in September 2013.

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